Thursday, June 20, 2019

Showtime Performer Toddler Conversion

~ Day One ~

Went in a different direction today and decided to learn how to convert some hairstyles for toddlers. Most of the toddler hairstyles I have seen look like a bad case of bed head or like they're trying out for toddlers in tiaras.

Presenting the Showtime Performer hairstyle for females converted for toddlers! I think it's cute enough for a toddler to wear to school for picture day, or maybe even for a flower girl to wear to a casual wedding. 

I finished editing the mesh and it looks great in the workshop, but there's something wrong with it in game. I hope to start fresh again tomorrow and try to figure out what I did wrong.

~ Day Two ~

New day and new hope, right? I am tackling this again with some a different approach. I did some research and found two things that could be causing this issue... One is with comments and the other is with setting the extra data to 255

I loaded it up into the game and set her hair to 255, 255, 255. This was the result...





Not really sure what's going on with it now. Could be the UV map is bad or something along those lines. I did have to wiggle the mesh around a bit, so it likely needs some work done. Also, I'm not sure why the "flowers" in her hair are coming out black. I'm not giving up yet, but I'm done with it for today...

Everything comes out fine in CAS... I feel like it's almost perfect... 

Here's a link to my YouTube channel with a video showing what's going on with it. 



And here's a link to it if someone wants to take a stab at it.

~ Day Four ~ 

At last! I have some progress and good news! Some lovely people over at ModtheSims have got me pointed in the right direction!

After Align Normals, Model Cleaner, Extra Data & FFFFFFFF!

After Align Normals, Model Cleaner, Extra Data & FFFFFFFF!

However, CAS is still giving me some odd colors, so I will need to edit the UV map, I believe.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Gwanda - The Beginning

I've spent the last couple of months largely goofing off and really enjoying all the expansions. That is, until I saw what Sandy from Around the Sims made the other day.

 Click here to visit Around the Sims 3!

She's taken a lot of the pieces from the Sims 4 Jungle Ruins and converted them to the Sims 3.

Now, I generally don't care much for being in the jungle. It reminds me of places I've visited in games that were icky and brownish in color.

an image of Fens of Nathsar (EverQuest II)
Fens of Nathsar (EverQuest II)

an image of Shadowfen (Elder Scrolls Online)
Shadowfen (Elder Scrolls Online)

However, these new objects by Sandy remind me strongly of the Art History classes I've taken on the Mexica people and Aztec art. I don't consider myself an authority on the subject, but I do know a thing or two!

Image result for aztec ruins fantasy
So, without further ado, here is my work in progress Sims 3 World! You may recognize the name of the world, Gwanda from the game. "Ah, gwanda blitz!" or "Ah, great idea!"

I hope to add elements from the Mexica people's culture in way that brings awareness to their history and will hopefully inspire others to do some research on their own.

Give our tester Sim, Chase Carver, a round of applause please! He's still trying to make up for being so rude to Lady Croft...


Please see the other blog, , if you're looking for updates.